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You're Not as Mysterious as You Think You Are

My work is an exploration of self-portraiture, as well as our perception of ourselves and one another. This is achieved by combining self-portrait pieces, handwritten text & appropriated literature, and imagery that depicts myself in an abstract manner. The physical pieces are accompanied by my questioning of the viewer on how they have perceived me through my art, and what their conclusion reveals about themself in turn. This work exists as an overwhelming onslaught of information. Because of this, understanding takes time and effort. My thesis is only able to give you what you are able to give in return. I ask the viewer to absorb the narrative I’ve presented, and come to their own conclusion about what it is that I want to say to them. After devising their answer, I encourage the audience to consider how much of the conclusion is based on the viewer's own biases and lived experiences, or intentional imagery on my part. Although the images that make up my narrative are highly personal, as the meaning given to the audience is left up to circumstance and individual perception, it becomes a collaborative construction. Both myself and the viewer have to put in an active effort to make sense of the work.

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